A recent survey by Veolia, a French environmental services company, has revealed a significant shift in the perception of climate change among UAE residents. The study, which polled 1,000 UAE residents, found that a staggering 81% of respondents are now convinced that climate change is happening, up from 61% in 2022.

The survey, known as the Barometer of Ecological Transformation, delved into the views of UAE residents on climate change, pollution, and sustainability solutions. The results indicate a growing awareness of the issue, with 60% of those who believe in climate change attributing it to human activity.

Moreover, a majority (64%) of respondents agreed that the costs of climate change will outweigh the costs of transitioning to a more sustainable future. This marks a significant shift from the previous survey, where fewer people recognized the economic benefits of taking action.

UAE Residents Embrace Sustainability

The survey also revealed a growing willingness to adopt sustainable practices. For instance, the number of respondents willing to pay more for locally-produced low-carbon energy increased by 19% compared to 2022. Additionally, 23% more respondents are ready to pay extra for recycled products.

According to Thierry Dezenclos, CEO of Veolia UAE, “The survey highlights the urgency of ecological action and the global demand for accessible solutions. We must collaborate effectively for a sustainable future.”

Hope for the Future

Encouragingly, 54% of respondents believe that it is still possible to limit the damage by adopting changed habits. Many expect sustainability to improve their lives through better community, higher standards, peace of mind, improved health, and increased prosperity.

The survey also found significant increases in acceptance of practices such as reduced meat consumption, recycled water appliances, and the use of treated wastewater for drinking.

Global Concerns

Globally, the survey revealed that over two-thirds of respondents worry about environmental issues. Almost all would prioritize health over cost for water, waste, and energy policies. Two-thirds predict that the costs of inaction will outweigh the costs of taking action.

The UAE’s commitment to the Paris Agreement and its 2050 net-zero pledge are reflected in the findings, with initiatives presented at COP28 climate talks demonstrating the country’s dedication to addressing climate change.

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