As the Dubai real estate market booms, some landlords are taking advantage of tenants by charging exorbitant rates and using illegal tactics to evict them. However, aware tenants can hold their ground and fight back against these unscrupulous landlords.

A Case of Illegal Eviction

One Dubai resident, Jan Alabastro, was served an eviction notice claiming the flat was being sold. However, upon further investigation, he discovered the flat was being rented out again at a higher rate. This isn’t an isolated incident, and real estate expert Dilip Daswani confirms that such tactics exist.

Bypassing Rera Index?

Alabastro’s case highlights the complexity of the Dubai rental market. Landlords are bypassing Rera’s rental index, which limits rental hikes for renewals. In Alabastro’s case, the maximum increase allowed was Dh4,650, but the landlord offered the flat at Dh55,000, way above the permitted increase.

What the Law Says

According to experts, landlords can evict tenants upon contract expiry in certain cases, provided a 12-month notice is served. However, if the landlord evicts the tenant on grounds of selling the property but then rents it out again before the two-year period, the tenant can file a compensation claim.

Knowing Your Rights

Alabastro admits he didn’t know much about his rights as a tenant. Another resident, Joseph Roney, was more informed and fought back against an eviction notice, forcing the agency to give him a one-year eviction notice.

More Informed Tenants

Real estate expert Yervant Matassarian believes that tenants are becoming more informed, thanks to online resources and guidance from the Dubai Land Department and real estate agents. This shift in power is making illegal practices less common.


As a tenant in Dubai, it’s essential to know your rights and be aware of the laws governing the rental market. By staying informed, you can protect yourself from illegal evictions and rent hikes.

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