Are you an expat working in the UAE and wondering about the rules surrounding annual leave? What if your employer denies your holiday request due to coworker absences? Let’s delve into the UAE’s labor laws to understand your rights and obligations.

UAE Employment Law: Article 29 Explained

According to Article 29 (4) of Federal Decree Law No. 33 of 2021 on the Regulation of Employment Relations, employers have the discretion to decide annual leave dates based on work requirements. This means they can rotate leaves among employees to ensure the smooth progress of work.

Can Employers Deny Annual Leave Due to Coworker Absences?

While employers have some flexibility in deciding annual leave dates, they are still obligated to grant annual leave to employees at least once every two years, unless the employee agrees to carry forward the leave or receive payment in lieu of leave.

What If You’ve Already Made Travel Arrangements?

If your employer has agreed to your annual leave request in writing, they may be liable for any financial losses incurred due to trip cancellations or changes. To avoid such situations, it’s essential to obtain written pre-approval for your annual leave and plan accordingly.


Understanding the UAE’s labor laws is crucial for both employers and employees. While employers have some flexibility in managing annual leave, they must balance this with their obligations to grant employees their rightful holidays. By knowing your rights and obligations, you can avoid disputes and ensure a smoother work-life balance.

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