The UAE is renowned for its charitable giving, and volunteering plays a vital role in fostering a culture of civic-mindedness and cultural awareness. As we celebrate International Volunteer Day, we reflect on the impact of volunteering in building resilient communities.

The UAE: A Model of Charitable Giving

The UAE is a shining example of charitable giving, with a long history of generous donations. In 2017, the country donated Dh19.32 billion ($5.25bn) to 147 countries, representing 1.31% of its gross national income. A Nationwide Smart Volunteering Platform

In 2017, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, launched, a nationwide smart volunteering platform. The platform saw 275,000 individuals register and donate over 2.8 million volunteer hours across the country in support of worthwhile causes.

Boosting Volunteerism in the UAE

In 2018, a federal draft law was passed to boost the nation’s culture of volunteering. The law ensures that volunteers receive sufficient training, coverage for work expenses, protection against personal injury and property damage, and an avenue for complaints.

The Power of Volunteering

Volunteering brings people together, fostering solidarity, resilience, and global citizenship. According to the United Nations, over a billion people volunteer worldwide, equivalent to 109 million full-time workers.

Empowering Communities through Education

Educational initiatives are crucial in building resilient communities. Dubai Cares, a global philanthropic organisation, has a series of local and global volunteering initiatives aimed at encouraging members of UAE society to donate their time, energy, and skills to serve their community and support education.

Get Involved and Give Back

This International Volunteer Day, let us celebrate the efforts of all volunteers and encourage others to get involved and give back to society by volunteering their time and efforts.

By supporting education, we can build resilient communities. Join the volunteering spirit and make a difference today!

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