Starting from mid-August 2024, the UAE government has introduced tighter regulations on telemarketing via phone calls, with fines of up to Dh150,000 for violators.

For expats like Mohammed A, a job offer in Dubai meant a chance to rebuild their lives and repay debts. As a telemarketing agent, he is now worried about meeting his targets amidst the new regulations.

The new rules prohibit individuals from making marketing calls using phones registered in their names. All marketing calls must originate from phones registered in the name of the licenced telemarketing company.

The Impact on Cold Callers and Telemarketing Firms

UAE residents have shared their experiences with cold callers, often receiving calls at inappropriate times and being met with disrespect. The new regulations aim to curb these issues, but telemarketing firms and agents are worried about the impact on their businesses.

Aneesh, an Indian expat who owns a direct sales agency, employs almost 50 people and services three leading banks in the country. He believes the new rules will make it more challenging to operate, and agencies will have to resort to traditional selling methods.

Cold callers like Mohammed are worried about not meeting their targets, which will affect their salaries. With penalties for non-compliance, the stakes are higher than ever.

A Shift in the Telemarketing Landscape

The new regulations mark a significant shift in the telemarketing landscape in the UAE. While some welcome the changes, others are concerned about the impact on their livelihoods.

As the UAE government cracks down on telemarketing violations, it’s clear that the industry will need to adapt to the new rules and find innovative ways to operate within the boundaries.

Only time will tell how these regulations will shape the future of telemarketing in the UAE.

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