The UAE’s tourism sector is set to make a significant contribution to the nation’s economy, with projections indicating a contribution of AED236bn ($64bn) to the national GDP in 2024, accounting for 12% of the overall economy.

This upward trend is a continuation of the sector’s growth in 2023, which saw a contribution of AED220bn ($60bn) to the GDP, accounting for 11.7% of the economy. The sector’s growth is expected to have a positive impact on job creation, with projections indicating an increase in job opportunities from 809,000 in 2023 to 833,000 in 2024.

According to Khaled Al Midfa, Chairman of Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority (SCTDA), the tourism sector plays a crucial role in generating employment opportunities across various tourism activities and fields in the UAE.

The UAE’s tourism strategy aims to increase the sector’s contribution to the country’s GDP to AED450bn ($123bn) by 2031, attract new investments of AED100bn ($27bn) to the sector, and welcome 40 million guests to the country’s hotels by the next decade.

As the UAE’s tourism sector continues to grow, it is expected to have a significant impact on the nation’s economy, creating new opportunities for growth and development.

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