Amidst challenging global circumstances, the United Arab Emirates is on track to attain an impressive 5.7% economic growth in 2024, according to a senior official from the Ministry of Finance. Younis Haji Al Khoori, serving as the Undersecretary of the Ministry, has expressed confidence in the country’s strategic diversification and sustainability efforts that have laid a resilient foundation for economic expansion.

In a testament to the UAE’s economic resilience, non-oil GDP is set to surge by 5.9% in 2023, maintaining momentum with a projected increase of 4.7% for the subsequent year. Al Khoori’s interaction with WAM news agency highlighted these promising figures that underscore the nation’s economic vitality.

Marking a significant upswing in trade activities, the UAE’s non-oil foreign trade volume soared to a new high of AED 1.239 trillion within the first half of the current year—a 14.4% hike compared to the same period of the prior year. This boost in trade provides a clear indication of the UAE’s robust and expanding global trade footprint.

Further reflecting the influx of global capital into its dynamic economy, the UAE recorded approximately AED 83.5 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI) for the year 2022. Such solid FDI figures mirror the international community’s faith in the UAE’s stable and growth-oriented economy.

Often regarded as an economic health barometer, the UAE’s Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) soared to an impressive 57.7 in October 2023, marking its peak since June 2019. This indicates not just a recovery from the pandemic-induced downturn but a strong rebound and a return to full-throttle economic activity.

In summary, the UAE’s proactiveness in cultivating an environment conducive to diversified economic growth is set to yield fruit in 2024, demonstrating resilience even in the face of global economic adversities.

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